Saturday, January 31, 2009

TV Thoughts: BSG "The Oath"

Previously on BSG: Some people in the Feel Bad Gang were starting to get mutiny fever, and Zarek might finally get to be prom queen!

"The Oath"

Follow the bouncing Zarek for spoilers!

Oh Laura, methinks the lady does protest too much!

On the one hand Zarek makes valuable points--and is right from a purely principled standpoint, but on the other hand I find him to be personally reprehensible. Mixed feelings!!!

Felix is a freaky good liar. And poor Hoshi--you deserve better.

Kara is really scary when she's pissed--you know, just stating the obvious.

I knew something bad was going to happen to Helo/Sharon/Hera because it's been awhile since anything has happened with them.

Evil Pegasus dude, you did not just threaten and pistol whip my Helo.

Kara and Lee in the shit just like old times. I'm getting misty.

Poor dead Jaffe. He never got a first name.

Of course Gaius is ditching his harem in the name of safety/self-preservation. Good old Gaius.

Do not mess with the admiral or the colonel for they will fuck your shit up. Good.

Maybe Laura and Gaius could start a support group for religious flip-flippers anonymous.

I like how the sickly green lighting in CIC really hammers home that the fleet is not well. Yes, that's sarcasm.

Looks like Laura got her groove back! Yay.

This had nothing to do with the ep. but the preview for Wyvern looked fucking hilarious in a bad way.

Bill and Laura: it's almost too hard to watch. *sniff* But Lee's and Kara's awkwardness was perfect.

What an image to end on--two crusty old dudes with machine guns.

Also at LJ

Friday, January 23, 2009

TV Thoughts: BSG

Previously on BSG: The Feel Bad Gang got depressed because Earth was an irradiated shitball. O yeah, and Ellen is totally the Fifth. Like, duh!

"The Disquiet That Follow My Soul"

--News flash: Zarek still doesn't want the cylons in the fleet. In related news, the cat's breath smells like cat food.

--Man the ship looks exponentially shittier than usual.

--More Felix=yea! Oh, to remember the halcyon days of the first exodus when all he did was spout technobabble on his two good legs.

--On one hand, Zarek does make valid points about the flip-floppiness of the human/cylon relationship. On the other hand, he's using the current situation to his political advantage. On another hand--yes a third hand--maybe it's just the hair and ill-fitting suits, but he always comes across as at least 45% skeazy d-bag.

--Two teeth brushings in one ep.! RDM, is this epi underwritten by Crest or what?

--It's comforting to know that as the remnants of the human race drift toward destruction, Baltar won't let his megalomania go with it. And he knows when to get a haircut.

--Dayum, Hotdog. Dayum, Chief. I feel bad for both of you.

--"There are days I really hate this job." William Adama: king of the understatement.

--"It sucks, except for the parts that don't." Galen Tyrol, father of the year.

--Ooh, Zarek is a lefty, so you know he's evil! Go antiquated stereotypes!

--Adama, they should just call you The Gambler since you know when to hold 'em, know when to fold 'em!

--No Felix, I don't want more screen time to = you going to the dark side! Nooooooooo!

--Bill and Laura deserve so much more than what little time they've had together. Weep. But they are teh cute.

Next on BSG: More bad shit goes down. Lather, rinse, repeat.

Also on LiveJouranl

I stab at thee!

Today didn't begin as a bad day. You only wake up in a sweat once--thanks thermostat situated in the living room which is always the coldest room in the apartment!--and you stuff and seal over 100 manila envelopes for info requests for the park without a single paper cut. It's the little things.

Little things.

The little things that can piss you off too. Like trying to alarm one of the buildings at closing time only to get repeated error messages that the side door is ajar when it clearly is not. Not!

And discovering an accident on the highway as soon as you merge on. So you decide to get off right quick and take surface streets to the next on-ramp past the accident only to get caught in traffic because the light cycle is seriously 15 seconds. Seriously. 15 m-fing seconds.

So you finally get back on the highway and everything's copacetic until, like, three people in a row cut you off right before your exit. And then when you finally get home (20 minutes later than usual), you almost run over one of those GD stray cats the neighbor insists on feeding every day.

Le sigh.




...much better now.

Also at LiveJournal.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

America, Fuck Yeah!!!

I missed seeing it live on TV because I had to work, but the civics geek in me can't help but wax poetic about peaceful transfers of power and democratic republicanism and our Constitution and all those wonderful things that make me glad I live in this wonderful imperfect country.

PRESIDENT OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

x-posted on LiveJournal

Saturday, January 17, 2009

this is a test.

Friday, January 16, 2009

TV Thoughts: BSG

I have some ramblings about the newest--and last *sob*--BSG premier under the cut.

So Roslin basically goes back to Galactica and goes catatonic and I was like "holy shit".

We find out that the unsecret-special-cylons all lived on Earth before, you know, shit went down, and I was like "Holy shit."

Then, Dualla kills herself and I was like "Holy Shit!"

And Starbuck discovers that she's dead in her viper on nuked!Earth, a development even Leoben finds unsettling, and I was like "Holy SHIT!"

And then we find out that Ellen is the fifth cylon and I was like "Holy! Shit!!!!!" *falls over*

This show is an impossible blend of Debbie Downer (re: Dualla), and "oh no, they did not just do that?! I mean, they did, but still. WTF?!?!" (re: Ellen). I was never a huge Dualla fan--I liked her enough in the first season, but they never really got me to care a lot about her later on to justify the amount of screen time she got--but her suicide was a figurative gut punch to be sure. I think most of that is because of Lee's reaction to it--his absolute confusion and despair of it and not ever being able to understand. Lee's always been a not-and-cold character for me, but I really felt for him here. The whole Ellen being a cylon is perfect because they introduced her under a cloud of suspicion anyways and then they killed her off so I was all "that's that then". And then they do this? WTF in the best way.

x-posted at LiveJournal

Thursday, January 8, 2009

Christmastime is here...only a few weeks late.

Well finally, it's really winter here! Better late than never I guess.

Cross-posted over at LiveJournal

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Test Post

This is just a test post. More to come later.