Nothing makes me feel as frustrated, pissy, rageful (as in full of rage--it's a word now, damn it!), old, or mentally deficient as filing my tax returns. Especially the R.I.T.A. part; if you have to that where you live, you know what I mean. I hate that they makes you pay based on what your estimated income is for the next year or some such bs like that. HATE. The rest of it isn't so much evil as it is loooooong.
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Sunday, February 22, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Shooting the shit. Not eating it.
This may be of interest only to me, but I figured I'd share it here because extra publicity never hurts. My cousin--well, cousin-in-law or first cousin by marriage or whateverthefuck--Kelly and her friend Kristina are starting their own humor blog: Two Girls, One Site. Their first real post will be an Oscars liveblog tomorrow. I know, I know, who needs yet another Oscars liveblog, but I can personally vouch for Kelly's comedy cred. And if her friend is anything like her, I'm sure she is awesome too. They don't have any full posts up yet, but if you want a taste of their styles then read their bios--good stuff.
Yay Kelly! You are going to be internet famous one day, and I can say I knew you when. Before you were just crazy, now you are crazy and publishing it for all the English-speaking word to see. I think I'm getting a little verklempt. Tear.
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Friday, February 20, 2009
TV Thoughts: BSG "Deadlock"
Previously on BSG: Downloading makes Ellen tens times more awesome than she ever was.
Hi, Hoshi! I still want to give you a hug.
Now that Ellen is back, I think things might get a bit uncomfortable in the Tigh household.
I love that Ellen uses alcohol as a way make the others feel comfortable with her. Hee.
The president's face says it all: must get out of here!
Eww, did not need to see the eye socket.
Look who comes skulking back, good old Gaius. And at least one of the harem is skeptical of him. Good.
Abandoned--who,wha? I'd never say anything like that...pshaw!
Mental porn! Awesome.
"Just don't anybody unplug anything." Doc Cottle, I think I will miss you most of all.
Aww, poor Ellen. No baby mama-ing for you.
It is reassuring that those two are just as snipe-y now as they've always been.
Hot and vulnerable lady, sing! Regularity, Gaius, regularity.
Good thing Laura didn't want to be a PI because subtle she ain't.
I just love how ridiculously human the cylons are.
It's getting all Oedipal up in this bitch, what with the robot ladies and creator/created relationship.
They may be taking away the food but at least he managed to snag a couple beforehand, Gaius that bastard.
Tigh times two with Bill and Saul now. Jeeze, I think between the two of them they'll deplete the alcohol reserves fleetwide.
Saul's drunk laugh is all kinds of hilarious.
Good thing the resource shortage doesn't extend to votive candles and decorative tapestries.
"And guns! Bigger guns!" Best line of the so.
I guess the baby will keep Saul from answering to Ellen's accusations that he had a bigger (metaphorically speaking) boner for Bill and the ship than either of his ladies or baby. How convieeeeenient.
Not show related: I think the Snuggie had gone from bad to awesomely bad to ironically awesomely bad and is now just plain annoying and hideous.
Quit fighting, Daddy and not!Mommy !
Oh Saul. Wibble.
You do good deeds and you are rewarded--with guns!
It is criminal that Michael Hogan hasn't at least been nominated for an Emmy. And he likely never will. Which just sucks.
And today's lesson is skinjobs are people too. Warm fuzzies.
Also at LJ
Hi, Hoshi! I still want to give you a hug.
Now that Ellen is back, I think things might get a bit uncomfortable in the Tigh household.
I love that Ellen uses alcohol as a way make the others feel comfortable with her. Hee.
The president's face says it all: must get out of here!
Eww, did not need to see the eye socket.
Look who comes skulking back, good old Gaius. And at least one of the harem is skeptical of him. Good.
Abandoned--who,wha? I'd never say anything like that...pshaw!
Mental porn! Awesome.
"Just don't anybody unplug anything." Doc Cottle, I think I will miss you most of all.
Aww, poor Ellen. No baby mama-ing for you.
It is reassuring that those two are just as snipe-y now as they've always been.
Hot and vulnerable lady, sing! Regularity, Gaius, regularity.
Good thing Laura didn't want to be a PI because subtle she ain't.
I just love how ridiculously human the cylons are.
It's getting all Oedipal up in this bitch, what with the robot ladies and creator/created relationship.
They may be taking away the food but at least he managed to snag a couple beforehand, Gaius that bastard.
Tigh times two with Bill and Saul now. Jeeze, I think between the two of them they'll deplete the alcohol reserves fleetwide.
Saul's drunk laugh is all kinds of hilarious.
Good thing the resource shortage doesn't extend to votive candles and decorative tapestries.
"And guns! Bigger guns!" Best line of the so.
I guess the baby will keep Saul from answering to Ellen's accusations that he had a bigger (metaphorically speaking) boner for Bill and the ship than either of his ladies or baby. How convieeeeenient.
Not show related: I think the Snuggie had gone from bad to awesomely bad to ironically awesomely bad and is now just plain annoying and hideous.
Quit fighting, Daddy and not!Mommy !
Oh Saul. Wibble.
You do good deeds and you are rewarded--with guns!
It is criminal that Michael Hogan hasn't at least been nominated for an Emmy. And he likely never will. Which just sucks.
And today's lesson is skinjobs are people too. Warm fuzzies.
Also at LJ
Saturday, February 14, 2009
TV Thoughts: BSG "No Exit"
Previously on BSG: no more possibility of Geata and Hoshi saving the world with math. Woe.
Ellen's transition from losing her shit to calmly getting out of the goo tub--I think I have a bit of whiplash.
"Its a bit cold in here." "I'll get you some clothes; I've seen it all before." Mwah!
There's brain surgery all over the damn place this week on TV--Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, and now BSG.
Just thinking of all the layers: Ellen made Cavil to look like her father and then she was screwing him on NC even though she had no idea what she really was and...gah! That gray matter is my 'sploded brain.
"What about the swirl? Had he taught you that?" Ellen, you still a saucy bitch!
Oh Lee, the lady doth protest a bit too much.
Eww, was it too much to ask a cleaning crew to clean up the arterial blood spatters?
So is Kara the heretofore nonexistent 13th cylon?
My brain hurts!
Man. Cavil's hatred of humanity is so thick and viscous you could drizzle it over pancakes and eat it up.
Boomer: who would I want to love?
Slambang to the chief. Mmmm. Anvillicious.
Eeeee! John Hodgeman awesomeness! He totally had the aura of a fanboy having his dreams come true and it was a kick to see.
Who was Daniel?! Gah!
Obvious: Cavil is a cold bastard.
Poor Galactica, old girl.
I don't know but I have this bad feeling about Anders' surgery--maybe it's because he hadn't had this much screen time since last year.
Yay, Boomer got a backbone!
Nurse needs to learn some bedside manner.
I would say Adama needs to ease up on the liver abuse, but there's only a handful of eps. left, so who cares!
Also at LJ
Ellen's transition from losing her shit to calmly getting out of the goo tub--I think I have a bit of whiplash.
"Its a bit cold in here." "I'll get you some clothes; I've seen it all before." Mwah!
There's brain surgery all over the damn place this week on TV--Grey's Anatomy, Private Practice, and now BSG.
Just thinking of all the layers: Ellen made Cavil to look like her father and then she was screwing him on NC even though she had no idea what she really was and...gah! That gray matter is my 'sploded brain.
"What about the swirl? Had he taught you that?" Ellen, you still a saucy bitch!
Oh Lee, the lady doth protest a bit too much.
Eww, was it too much to ask a cleaning crew to clean up the arterial blood spatters?
So is Kara the heretofore nonexistent 13th cylon?
My brain hurts!
Man. Cavil's hatred of humanity is so thick and viscous you could drizzle it over pancakes and eat it up.
Boomer: who would I want to love?
Slambang to the chief. Mmmm. Anvillicious.
Eeeee! John Hodgeman awesomeness! He totally had the aura of a fanboy having his dreams come true and it was a kick to see.
Who was Daniel?! Gah!
Obvious: Cavil is a cold bastard.
Poor Galactica, old girl.
I don't know but I have this bad feeling about Anders' surgery--maybe it's because he hadn't had this much screen time since last year.
Yay, Boomer got a backbone!
Nurse needs to learn some bedside manner.
I would say Adama needs to ease up on the liver abuse, but there's only a handful of eps. left, so who cares!
Also at LJ
Friday, February 6, 2009
TV Thoughts: BSG "Blood on the Scales"
Previously on BSG: Aaaaargh! There be mutiny!
"Blood on the Scales"
(This ep. was written by Michael Angeli, so there's a 50/50 chance it could psychoanalyze itself into suckitude, but I have hope since the previews looked nice and action-y.)
Hey, it's Kelly, who was last seen getting all on sabatoge-y on Galactica's ass!
Dude, Adama could pwn your ass six ways to Sunday, Felix.
And Romo Lampkin makes an appearance--wouldn't be an Angeli episode without him, and looking about 25% less crazy than the last time we saw him.
Awesome line: Adama to Felix: "Shove it up your ass." If only all arguments could be solved that way...
Looks like foppish Sagitaron rep. grew a backbone too late. Nasty business, this civil war.
Hi, Feelix's latent idealism! Long time since we've seen you.
Awesome lines 2 ans 3: "I'm too frakkin' tired to get up, so why don't you just shoot me." and "I'm just a machine? What does that make you, dumbass?" Both by Chief, because he's starting to be awesome again.
Yay, Helo's conscious!
Oh noes, Anders!
More magical cylon transdpondster tech--what will they reveal next.
Lampkin decides to help Kara and not-dead-yet Anders--like you couldn't see that coming from across the fleet. Thanks for not letting me down, Angeli.
No one writes anvillicious self-awareness like Angeli. At least he shifts characters each time, with Gaius being this week's verbal victim.
Tricia Helfer looks pretty bangin'--as Jonathan Antin would say--with the Hollywood hippy hair.
Chief in the bowels of the ship--I know there's some kind of deep metaphor or something but my brain is too mushy to come up with one.
When are you going to learn Tom, not to piss off Laura to the point where she gets trigger happy? Honestly, have you not seen this show?
The ad for the Cylon detector iPhone app: I may have to download that.
Felix has done so much mental waffling that you could drizzle sweet grade A maple syrup all over it. mmmmm.
Awesome line: "I just hope that one day people will know what I was." Oh Felix, has there ever been a more meta line on this show?!
Felix finally lets go of his anger and his stump stops hurting--oh the levels you bring to the drama, Angeli.
Of course Zarek and Felix had to get ded, there would be no end if they didn't. I'm just sad to see them die because while what they did ended up being all kinds of bad for the survival of the fleet, they actually were grounded--at least Felix was, maybe Zarek not so much--in correct principles. It's too bad things had to end the way they did, but it wouldn't be BSG if at least one known and semi-beloved character didn't get deep sixed every so often.
As far as Angeli episodes go, this was one of the better ones. This is mostly because the plot dictated lots of ass-kicking action, leaving precious little time for dithering and obvious introspection, something Angeli seems to have a huge boner for but for which he lacks the necessary nuance to carry off much of the time. Of course, this is just my opinion as one of a million BSG fans who are also internet jackasses.
Also at LJ
"Blood on the Scales"
(This ep. was written by Michael Angeli, so there's a 50/50 chance it could psychoanalyze itself into suckitude, but I have hope since the previews looked nice and action-y.)
Hey, it's Kelly, who was last seen getting all on sabatoge-y on Galactica's ass!
Dude, Adama could pwn your ass six ways to Sunday, Felix.
And Romo Lampkin makes an appearance--wouldn't be an Angeli episode without him, and looking about 25% less crazy than the last time we saw him.
Awesome line: Adama to Felix: "Shove it up your ass." If only all arguments could be solved that way...
Looks like foppish Sagitaron rep. grew a backbone too late. Nasty business, this civil war.
Hi, Feelix's latent idealism! Long time since we've seen you.
Awesome lines 2 ans 3: "I'm too frakkin' tired to get up, so why don't you just shoot me." and "I'm just a machine? What does that make you, dumbass?" Both by Chief, because he's starting to be awesome again.
Yay, Helo's conscious!
Oh noes, Anders!
More magical cylon transdpondster tech--what will they reveal next.
Lampkin decides to help Kara and not-dead-yet Anders--like you couldn't see that coming from across the fleet. Thanks for not letting me down, Angeli.
No one writes anvillicious self-awareness like Angeli. At least he shifts characters each time, with Gaius being this week's verbal victim.
Tricia Helfer looks pretty bangin'--as Jonathan Antin would say--with the Hollywood hippy hair.
Chief in the bowels of the ship--I know there's some kind of deep metaphor or something but my brain is too mushy to come up with one.
When are you going to learn Tom, not to piss off Laura to the point where she gets trigger happy? Honestly, have you not seen this show?
The ad for the Cylon detector iPhone app: I may have to download that.
Felix has done so much mental waffling that you could drizzle sweet grade A maple syrup all over it. mmmmm.
Awesome line: "I just hope that one day people will know what I was." Oh Felix, has there ever been a more meta line on this show?!
Felix finally lets go of his anger and his stump stops hurting--oh the levels you bring to the drama, Angeli.
Of course Zarek and Felix had to get ded, there would be no end if they didn't. I'm just sad to see them die because while what they did ended up being all kinds of bad for the survival of the fleet, they actually were grounded--at least Felix was, maybe Zarek not so much--in correct principles. It's too bad things had to end the way they did, but it wouldn't be BSG if at least one known and semi-beloved character didn't get deep sixed every so often.
As far as Angeli episodes go, this was one of the better ones. This is mostly because the plot dictated lots of ass-kicking action, leaving precious little time for dithering and obvious introspection, something Angeli seems to have a huge boner for but for which he lacks the necessary nuance to carry off much of the time. Of course, this is just my opinion as one of a million BSG fans who are also internet jackasses.
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