Spoilers under the cut for Doctor Who: The End of Time, Part 2.
It's rare that I get angry about Internet spoilers for the TV shows I watch (and care enough about to steer myself away from spoilers). But there I was doing a search for something in my RSS feed this afternoon and what do I see in the list of results but a TW fic using spoilers from The End of Time part 2. The part about The Doctor giving Jack the note with the guy's name on it in the bar right before the end of the episode. GAH! Less than a few hours until I watched it on BBC America (all legal and everything--that's the last time I do that!) and I get spoiled about a character appearance toward the very end of the episode! Granted, it's all very minor in the scheme of things, but still. I was soooo good at avoiding, as much as I could, anything that was spoiler-ific about the last David Tennant DW episodes, and only to get tripped up right before it aired for me. Wah wah. I know.
AND THEN! To top it off, I was looking up something about Martha Jones while beta reading a fic for someone when what do I see on the DW wiki? Martha and Mickey?! Wuzzah? Not that I was like, invested to a great degree in Martha's relationship-y stuff, but talk about out of nowhere. ALSO: SPOILED AGAIN. Both of these are the most annoying kind of spoilers too, the kind that, when you read them, you know they were meant to be little mini surprises in the episode for first-time viewing and now knowing them negates that tiny little thrill of seeing the characters pop up and you spend the whole time wondering when so-an-so is going to make an appearance and blah blah blah.
Aside from that, I quite enjoyed these final David Tennant episodes. He was fantastic. And good old Wilf!! What's not to love there. I know there will be much kvetching about this and that and RTD "ruining" something or other and all that other fan wankery and BS. But I thought it was great, and I'd put that out into the swirling morass of opinions.
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